Inclusive Community Agreements
We join together as a diverse group of individuals with a joint commitment to building an equitable community. We recognize that to be equitable we must start with a foundation that is inclusive. To ensure all voices are heard and that we learn and grow, we agree that we will engage in good faith to honor ourselves and each other.
We Ask Questions
Asking questions allows us to learn something that we might miss if we immediately respond to someone with our opinions. It also gives a chance for people who may otherwise find it difficult for their voices to be heard.
We Listen
Listen to understand vs. listen to respond. When we listen to people, we show that we care about them. Asking clarifying questions is one great way to show people we are listening!

We Seek Feedback
Nobody gets it right all the time. Ask people what you are getting right, and what you could do better. Build trust by listening and asking clarifying questions. Avoid getting defensive - remember, you asked!
We Examine Our Assumptions and Biases
We all see the world from the vantage point of our own experiences. At the same time, our own experiences and beliefs may be limited or don’t apply to everyone. Be willing to explore whether you're making assumptions or being biased.
When We Have a Strong Reaction, We Pause and Ask Ourselves Why
Strong reactions are often an indicator that our biases are coming to the surface or an unresolved wound has opened up. Are we responding to an injustice? Or do we need to do some internal work?
We Take Responsibility and Repair Harm
If we hurt someone, regardless of the intent, we repair the harm. acknowledge the harm done. apologize. ask if and how you can restore the relationship.