Those who say it can't be done usually interrupt those doing it.
-James Baldwin
The Monroe Equity Community is a collaborative commitment to create space for everyone to be represented, seen, and heard, without harm, all cultures to be honored, and all people to access opportunities according to their need.
We approach our mission together, working as agents of change, addressing inequity, racism, and systemic biases that exist in our schools, city, and community.
We will be intentional to incorporate a variety of perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences to improve decision making and leverage the positive impacts of Monroe’s diversity.
El Consejo de Equidad de Monroe busca crear una comunidad inclusiva y equitativa al:
Ser un ejemplo para que los residentes y negocios del área metropolitana de Monroe y que lideren con amor, equidad, respeto, compasión y justicia.
Asegurar que los miembros y grupos de la comunidad desatendidos tengan la oportunidad de que sus voces sean escuchadas.
Alentar a las organizaciones locales a crear asociaciones de trabajo con miembros y grupos de la comunidad desatendidos.
We are intentional in our commitment to incorporate a variety of perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences to improve decision making and leverage the positive impacts of Monroe's diversity. If you are passionate about doing the work of diversity, equity, and inclusion in Monroe, please apply to JOIN THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS by filling out this form!
The Monroe Equity Community will create a safe and inclusive community in which all voices are heard and all people have the ability to access the same opportunities
El consejo de equidad de Monroe creará una comunidad segura e inclusiva en la que se escuchen todas las voces de todas las personas y que tengan la capacidad de acceder a las mismas oportunidades.